This page last changed on Apr 28, 2006 by rossmason.

The tcp connector can be used to send and receive mule events over tcp.

The javadoc for this transport provider can be found here. And the Source Xref can be found here

Tcp Connector Properties

Property Description Default Required
receiveTimeout The socket read timeout. Use either this or a dedicated send/receive timeout property. Socket Default No
sendTimeout The socket write timeout. Use either this or a dedicated send/receive timeout property. Socket Default No
timeout This is a shorthand property setting both read/write timeouts. Use either this or a dedicated send/receive timeout property. Socket Default No
bufferSize the buffer size used to read and write data Socket Default No
backlog Maximum Queue length for a ServerSocket. Only applies to inbound connections. ServerSocket Default No
tcpProtocol An implementation of TcpProtocol interface   No
tcpProtocolClassName The class name of the TcpProtocol interface. Only applies to inbound connections. org.mule.providers.tcp.protocols.DefaultProtocol No
keepSendSocketOpen Whether to keep the socket open for multiple dispatches. Only applies to outbound connections. false No
keepAlive Whether to keep server sockets open after a request has been processed. This will set keepAlive on the socket. Only applies to inbound connections. false No
maxRetryCount Removed:  A Connection Strategy should be used to manage connection  retry behaviour o n the connector.


Tcp endpoints are described as socket-based endpoints in the form of -



The following transformers are used by default for this connector unless a transformer is explicitly set on the provider.

Transformer Description
ByteArrayToString converts a byte array to a String
StringToByteArray Converts a String to a byte array


When transfering data with other applications, it may be necessary to use custom application level protocols. This is also useful when transfering large amount of datas so that the whole data is not split.
This protocol is handled with the TcpProtocol interface.

If your protocol implementation does not need configuration, you can use

<connector name="tcpConnector" className="org.mule.providers.tcp.TcpConnector">
        <property name="tcpProtocolClassName" value="org.mule.providers.tcp.protocols.LengthProtocol"/>

or you can use a bean from a container

<connector name="tcpConnector" className="org.mule.providers.tcp.TcpConnector">
        <container-property name="tcpProtocol" reference="myProtocol"/>
Protocol Description
org.mule.providers.tcp.protocols.DefaultProtocol reads data until no more is available
org.mule.providers.tcp.protocols.LengthProtocol reads an int specifying the data length, and then reads the specified number of bytes
org.mule.providers.tcp.protocols.EOFProtocol reads all data until the stream is closed
Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27